Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Advertisement: Cold Sky Group

Advertisement #1:  This is the first attempt for the advertisement problem.  I used photoshop as my method of creating both of the designs with aided sketches for my thought process.  The greatest issue I found with both of the designs was finding the most effective way of combining text with image to convey an idea.  I decided to take the approach of attracting the viewer to the piece first and then discovering who/ what the advertisement is about.  I believe that this version is the least successful out of the two, but still a fairly good response to the assignment.

Advertisement # 2:  With this advertisement I really tried to incorporate the idea of excess within the world and combine technology with the idea of recycling.  Again I believe that this is the stronger of the two pieces and really reiterates the message that Cold Sky Group is trying to convey.   

1 comment:

  1. Very successful ad. eye catching and informatively without beating people over the head.
